
God wants all things done decently and in order
God wants all things done decently and in order

god wants all things done decently and in order god wants all things done decently and in order

Twist workįinally, you might be tempted to twist work. Whether you find it too challenging, or you struggle with laziness and worship rest and leisure, you’ll wrestle with a desire to reject work outright. You’ll have carefree days, but there are seasons when you’ll feel tired and defeated. You will serve it gladly with long hours, bowing down to its demands despite the destruction it causes you or your family. Worship workįor you, you may be tempted to worship work as your idol. Here are three common temptations you'll face in your work. In the Bible, we observe the presence of how sin has corrupted the desire for the good work we were created to do, and it has made work itself difficult (Gen. You see, not only did sin enter the human heart through Adam’s disobedience, but sin has permeated the entirety of creation, including work itself. Tragically, the goodness of work was twisted by sin. And when we clean, we bring order to chaos (well, at least at my house). Engineers can create order out of the systems they develop. Counselors can bring order to a disorderly life. Governments can establish an orderly way of life and commerce. As the Spirit of God brought order to creation, we too can bring order to the world we live in. “The earth was without form and void… And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters” (Gen. What is more, like God, we can bring order out of chaos. From creating a meal out of multiple ingredients to building a house out of different materials, to varying degrees, we can create. Instead, we can create things out of something already created. This doesn’t mean that we’re able to create something out of nothing like God. Not only did God command us to work, but, being created in his image as a Creator, we are hardwired with a desire to create-to work. God himself even got his hands dirty when he made “man of dust from the ground” (Gen. Jesus himself was a carpenter, and his earthly dad, Joseph, was a carpenter, too. We see this plainly laid out in the verse mentioned above (Gen. Whether you’re a pastor, construction worker, elementary teacher, entrepreneur, or stay-at-home mom, work is rooted in God’s good creation, and it's to reflect his glory. This is emphasis of scriptures about work throughout the Bible. In other words, all of life, culture, and work is to reflect the beauty and glory of God. But to subdue the earth and have dominion over every living creature (Gen. Not in a sadistic sense to do his bidding or face his wrath.

god wants all things done decently and in order

"The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.” -Genesis 2:15 I’m not sure where my dad stood in his relationship with Jesus or understanding bible verses about work during this time, but I know he understood the value of hard work and doing what it takes to make sure his family had food on the table, clothes on their back, and a roof over their head. In looking back on my childhood, I can see the grace of God at work in our family through my dad who worked diligently to take care of his family.

God wants all things done decently and in order